Understanding Problems In Your Cat’s Litter Box

It’s no secret that the health of humans can often be linked to the quality of our stool, and the many shapes and forms it can come in can tell us a lot about how we’re feeling. It’s important to note that this certainly isn’t something unique to humans – animals can experience the same effects, and observing changes in the litterbox of your cat can reveal a lot of health information about them. It can be very hard to pinpoint what these issues might be, however, so in this article we take a look at a few common issues that might turn up in your cat’s litterbox.

Litterbox logistics

Although you might be scrambling to upgrade your cat insurance plan in the event that some looks sketchy in your cat’s litterbox, knowing what these issues translate to can save you a whole lot of money and headaches in the long-term. This shouldn’t mean you give up your cat for adoption at the nearest animal shelter either, as your furry friend deserves your full care and attention! The best place to start is by considering the placement of your cat’s litterbox – cats don’t enjoy their litterbox being placed in a busy environment (just like humans!), so make sure that their litterbox is placed in such a way that they can experience a bit more space and quiet when it comes time to go to the toilet. In the event that you have more than one cat, don’t assume that they’re fine sharing the single litterbox – you should have at the very minimum one litterbox per cat, as they will want to have options when it comes to toilet time. It’s also a good idea to make the litterboxes different, such as uncovered versus covered.

Issues you need to keep an eye out for

If you are consistently finding that your cat is unable to successfully make it in time to their litterbox, this might be an indication that they have something more serious wrong – urinary, bladder and kidney infections can inhibit your cat from using their litterbox properly, and this will certainly require a little trip to the vet. If your cat is a bit older, this inability to make it in time might simply be due to age and the effects of arthritis on its joints. Both of these situations can be alleviated by medication to some extent, so if you do notice this issue don’t put it off until it’s too late for your poor cat!

The effects of a changing environment

If none of the previously mentioned issues have caused your cat’s litter box situation to change, it might be time to consider some bigger picture environmental problems. Cats are highly sensitive to changed environments, so keep in mind that even simple things like rearranged furniture can cause them to become stressed out and confused. Even introducing new objects or people into your cat’s comfortable space can cause them to quickly become stressed out, or it may even be due to a stray cat getting a little bit closer than your cat would prefer. And, as with humans, stress can make toilet time more inconsistent than usual. As it can often be hard to really pinpoint, this anxiety can be managed with things like a pheromone diffuser and by providing your cat with attention, toys and other entertainment.

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