7 Lesser known facts about pet insurance

Pets are often agile, zealous, and super-active. These are often engaged in several naughty activities and are difficult to monitor 24/7. While this is a sign of a healthy and happy pet, it also makes them prone to several accidents and illnesses due to infections. It may call for frequent vet visits and increase your expenses on medical bills. For that reason, pet insurance is an essential component of comprehensive care for your pet. You can compare pet cover premiums and other details from several sources and find an appropriate plan for your pet. Insurance not only assists you in paying veterinarian’s and hospital bills but also provides many other benefits. Here are some facts about pet insurance that are not very often discussed but can encourage you to buy one.


  • Pet insurance covers loss and theft


In addition to treatment for injuries and sickness, pet insurance also provides financial support in case of theft or loss of a pet. You get paid for advertising for a lost pet and also to pay rewards at the time of recovery. In case your pet is not recovered, you can get the amount to replace your pet. Ensure that you can produce evidence to get a cover for the complete purchase amount.


  • You get cover for behavioral treatment


Behavioral issues in pets are often less talked about. However, these are not very uncommon. Getting such treatment from proficient experts can be expensive. Pet insurance plans provide you with the cover to pay for the behavioral treatment as well. 


  • Third-party liability


Pets are active and sportive which can lead to unfortunate accidents sometimes. In such accidents, your pet may cause some harm to others by injuring them or damaging their property. Third-party insurance helps you pay for such injuries and damages.


  • Cover for overseas travel


Many pet insurance policies also assist when you are on an overseas trip with your pet. If your pet falls ill or meets some accident outside your native boundaries, these insurance plans still provide you assistance in finding the right vet and paying medical bills.


  • Kennel fee coverage


There are times when you are unwell and have to stay in the hospital for several days. Your pet may be alone during this time and may have no one to care for it. In such situations, you can claim a kennel or cattery fee and arrange care for your pet.


  • Death and euthanasia


Insurance policies also provide cover for the demise of your pet. You can get the amount or the amount for which it would sell as reimbursement. However, there is an age limit for such protections. Also, some plans provide cover for cremation and burial of your pet.


  • Policy switching


Often insurers entice you in buying a policy by saying that you can switch the policy as and when needed later. However, the fact is, switching is never easy and straightforward. Generally, an annual or lifetime policy is switched because of the rise in premiums. The reason for this increase is the claims which you might have raised. In such cases, it is difficult to find another insurer and also the premium for the switched policy would be higher. The presence of any pre-existing condition makes it even more tricky.

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