There are many reasons why your cat may be spraying. Cats normally do this to mark their territory and you can expect them to start doing this around 2-3 years of age. But, if your cat is older than 3, there could be another reason for spraying.
Have you recently brought a new cat into your home, only to find that your current cat has started spraying urine around the house? This can be very frustrating for you and your new pet. According to the Preventative Vet, “You see, spraying (or “marking”) is all about communication for cats.”
Getting rid of the smell of cat spray is not easy, but it can be done. You will need to clean well with an enzyme cleaner or vinegar in order to get rid of the smell and to get rid of the cat spray smell. If there is a spot that your cat has sprayed over and over again, the smell may be more difficult to get out.
You can search online for solutions or hire a professional to clean your carpets and furniture if you cannot seem to remove the odor on your own. There are also many cleaning products available now which can help you remove the odor.
If you are struggling with your current cat spraying in the house, you should consider having it checked out by a veterinarian. Sometimes medical problems or behavioral issues might need to be addressed before your cat starts behaving properly again. If you are having trouble with your cat spraying in the house, it may be best to take her or him to see a vet.
Taking care of your cat will ensure that she or he remains healthy and happy. Regular visits to the veterinarian for checkups will help keep any potential medical issues from becoming an issue. Your furry friend should also get plenty of attention and playtime to keep them happy too.
Cat behavior can be difficult for you to understand at times, but the sooner that you tackle your cat’s issues, the happier everyone will be.
So what do I need to do?
Don’t get mad at your cat and don’t punish it. Punishing may lead to more aggression.
Clean the areas your cat is spraying as soon as you see them, before it has a chance to go dry and leave a mark. Simply use water and soap (do not use harsh chemicals on your cats body or around their face).
If your cat stops spraying for a while, don’t think it is over. They tend to go in cycles and will likely start up again, especially if they are still spraying before the cycle is complete. So you may need to be constantly vigilant for a month or more.
You should also keep your cat indoors at all times (after neutering/spaying). If your cat is allowed outside it will mark its territory and may come back with a whole load of random cat’s pee on it!
Why does my cat spray?
Your cat is marking their territory. They do this by spraying urine on surfaces such as walls, furniture or even you!
In almost all cases cats begin to spray when they reach sexual maturity (usually between 1-3 years old).
This is why it usually doesn’t seem to matter how well you care for your cat; all of a sudden, the spraying starts.
There can be many other reasons why your cat may spray:
– Sometimes cats will begin to spray inside the house if they are feeling stressed or bored (this could be due to not enough attention from you, introduction of new animals in the home, moving house etc.) For stress, try CBD Oil for Cats.
– Some cats will start spraying when their territory has been invaded by another animal and they want to show that ‘this is my place’! They also do this when there is another cat outside that comes into their area and sprays over their mark. The solution here would be keeping cats indoors at all times until they are properly trained.
– Sometimes they do it because of illness, particularly in the bladder or kidneys – this is not very common but if you notice this happening, take your cat to the vets immediately.
– Your cat may start spraying when there has been a change in household or routine (e.g. new baby, new partner etc.)
Finally, sometimes cats will spray if they have not been neutered/spayed and are exhibiting mating behavior.
If you think that might be the case with your cat, then get them fixed!