If you have guests coming for the holidays, there are probably things you do to make your home ready. You might clean a bit more, set out fresh towels and maybe even a vase of flowers. If you have a new dog in the family, you should help your fur baby get ready to meet new friends too.
The first thing to do is find a local pet grooming salon St. Petersburg FL to get your doggie friend bathed and brushed and deflead if need be. Have the groomer trim overgrown nails, so Fido doesn’t scratch anyone inadvertently. This is a great time to get his teeth brushed too, for fresh breath.
Dressing up your fur buddy to meet his new relatives or friends can be fun. If your dog doesn’t protest wearing a sweater, there are plenty available online and in pet supply stores. If the weather isn’t cold enough, ask the groomer to give Miss Fluff or Mr. Bow Wow an ear or collar bow or a dashing dog-danna in seasonal colors.
Some dogs get overwhelmed with meeting too many new people, so be sure to introduce guests slowly. Also, give your dog a safe space away from little fingers or over eager human cousins. Your canine may feel like he needs to be on high alert while you’re nearby, so move his crate or bed to a back room where he can go off duty for a few hours.
The best human friends are considerate and bring treats to your fluffy buddy, but don’t go overboard in handing them out, especially if it’s a brand or type he isn’t used to. Watch small children closely because sometimes even the most docile pet can get a little snappish when there’s food and small fingers involved.
Hopefully, your friends and family will love Fido as much as you do. Get your pup ready for the visitors and watch him win them over with a yap, skip and jump.